Thursday, 3 May 2012

ET postponed to Blasto Transfer

19th April 2012

Today is my ET day....Received a few missed calls from Sunfert num. So i called in juz to make sure everytin was alrite... A nurse by the name of Angel called me to inform that my ET was postponed to 21th April, but i stil need to come in to get my medications. Hmmmm.... stopped by McD to grab sumtin to eat cz i was hungry... bt this time im extremely bloated, probably due to the amount of eggs aspirated during OPU...  But i was kinda delighted cz our transfer was postponed to a blastocyct transfer... Well, does it mean dat this will promise a successful cycle... 

The ans is No. Blastocyst transfer doesn't increase Pregnancy rate. However, it does allow us to select the best quality embryos, because we allow the embryos to compete amongst themselves, and then choose the best. Thus, it enables us to transfer fewer embryos as compared to a Day 2/3 transfer, thereby reducing the chances of a multiple pregnancy. 

However this time i need not meet d Dr for consultation. I was briefed by d nurse again... notin muc.. jz added my ventolin 4mg tab n cyclogest supp. I did ask em how many survived o fertilized.... but they were not able to answer me precisely.. perhaps d embryologist wud have been in a btr position to ans to my Q.... So it was confirmed that my Blasto Transfer in on 21th April 2012 1.00p.m.  Here-below are some images abt the development of d embryo from fertilization till a blastocyct.

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